Landfill Engineering Services for Active and Closed Landfills
Landfill owners, operators, and stakeholders face a constant challenge: how do I manage this landfill responsibly and, in the case of closed landfills, steer it to closure and productive reuse?
Today’s landfill owners must navigate permit compliance, regulatory milestones, and post-closure care budget-planning. Aspect’s team of hydrogeologists and engineers have decades of combined experience in helping clients efficiently meet regulatory guidelines and, for legacy landfill sites, transition into post closure care and productive reuse.
Groundwater and Leachate: Solving the Biggest Threats to Landfill Budgets
The greatest risks to landfill budgets are usually a release to groundwater from leachate or landfill gas. Cleaning up groundwater impacts can be costly and take years to investigate and solve. Aspect has experience at landfill sites across the Pacific Northwest in helping public agencies and landfill operators exceed operational cleanup goals.
Aspect landfill experience
Landfill Gas Expertise
Aspect expertise in LFG system balancing/optimization and off-gas treatment provides our clients with efficient, effective LFG migration control. At older, closed facilities, Aspect has been a regional leader in testing and applying passive venting and biofilter treatment technology. This pathway is now recognized as a significant mechanism for groundwater contamination at many landfills in the Pacific Northwest, and a challenging technical hurdle for demonstrating landfill stability.
Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical experience on dozens of solid waste projects throughout the Northwest translates into deep understanding of the behavior of refuse in a landfill setting, including settlement, stability, and cover technologies. Benefits to landfill owners and operators include natural and refuse slope stability analyses; slope stabilization methods; landfill liner stability and permeability testing; pavement design; instrumentation and monitoring; and soil management. Aspect provides integrated geotechnical and environmental remediation solutions for supporting site buildings and utilities that accommodate long-term monitoring and environmental controls (e.g., vapor barriers, passive venting) and are protective of the environment and satisfy regulatory requirements.
Learn More
Contact Aspect Associate Engineer Peter Bannister to learn more.