Guiding Operators to Safe Design for 1,100+ Dams

The public perception of water supply dams may bring to mind huge reservoirs, such as the Hoover Dam in Nevada and, in the Pacific Northwest, the Grand Coulee dam. However, Washington state also is charged with regulating and monitoring over a thousand dams of varying sizes, most of them under 50 feet tall. These largely earthen dams are used for a variety of irrigation, water quality, and recreation purposes.

Grand Coulee Dam
Source: Bureau of Reclamation

Helping Dam Owners Plan for Storm and Precipitation Impacts on Dams

Washington’s Dam Safety Office conducts design, planning, and construction inspection and monitoring to ensure dams and owners (the majority of the dams they monitor are privately owned) operate in a safe manner. As part of the regulations, dams are required to meet specific risk-based design requirements during major storms, particularly anticipating heavy rain and or snow events.

Every 10 years, precipitation data is gathered across hundreds of weather stations throughout the state for storm event analysis to help determine safety design criteria. These data and analysis are used by dam owners and state dam safety engineers to ensure design requirements are met.

A Better Software Tool for Dam Safety Projects

“We are very happy with the updated calculator developed by the Aspect-MGS team. It will benefit many dam engineers for the next decade.”

- Dam Safety Office manager Joe Witczak.

Aspect’s software development team, in collaboration with Washington’s Dam Safety Office and MGS Engineering Consultants, co-designed and developed a more user intuitive application for both dam owners and dam safety engineers for risk-based design. The Precipitation Magnitude-Frequency Calculator application helps dam owners determine their requirements by dam location and storm duration event. Users can now more easily select their dam location, storm event durations (small, medium, large), and quickly see the safety design requirements for their particular location. The new calculator is available to download as a zip file on the state’s website.

Contact Chris Bellusci and Mike Mills for more information on Aspect’s software development services for science and engineering projects.

Meet Mike Mills

Mike Mills recently joined Aspect's Portland, Oregon office.  Here are five questions we asked to get to know him better.

Mike Mills, Project Software Developer

1.    Where are you from? If you’re not from the Pacific Northwest, what brought you here? 

I was born in Portland Oregon, but grew up in Sisters, Oregon (just north of Bend).  

2.    What inspired you to pursue software development? What made you curious about it?

I learned how to code my freshman year of high school and from then on knew exactly what I wanted to do with my professional life. 

3.    What do you like best about your area of expertise? What excites you and keeps you motivated? 

I really enjoy solving complex problems, which coding allows me to do with ease. The thing that excites me the most is to finish a project and have a client be completely satisfied with the work that’s been done. 

4.    What do you like to do when you aren’t working? 

When I‘m not working, I enjoy running around the Portland waterfront and reading with my wife. I also enjoy salmon fishing every season with my Dad and Mom in Newport, Oregon. 

5.    Where in the world would you like to travel next? 

After visiting Italy this last October, I would love to go back to Europe and visit either France or Spain. My wife speaks French, so that would be a bonus having a translator. 

Aspect’s Growing Data Science and Mapping Services

Science and engineering insights fueled, managed, and clearly communicated through technology. 

This sums up Aspect's successful client-focused approach since our inception in 2001. This year, we’ve enhanced the technology piece of this formula by adding three new staff, with over 10 years working together, focused on software development, technology integration, and geospatial data science. Chris Bellusci, Associate Business Systems Architect, and Blair Deaver, Senior Geospatial Data Scientist join Aspect’s recently opened Bend, Oregon office; and Mike Mills, Senior Project Software Developer, joins Aspect’s growing Portland, Oregon office.

These three will enhance Aspect’s already robust Data + Mapping services—helping our clients and project teams with solutions like map-integrated stormwater monitoring dashboards; environmental data management system design and integration; technology needs assessment and road-mapping; web map and GIS application development; integrated systems for mobile field data collection; and the development of machine learning-based approaches to basin-scale hydrology issues.

Data + Mapping Practice Lead and Aspect’s Director of Professional Services Parker Wittman explains the benefits to clients, “Chris, Blair, and Mike boost our core skills and add industry-leading, sought-after services like web development and cloud-based data management expertise,” Wittman said. “Reflecting the world at large, our clients will continue to seek out solutions that are interactive and mobile-platform friendly, that translate large amounts of data into scientific and business insights. These clients require teams that are analytical high-performers, who speak in the languages of business, regulation, earth science, and technology.”

Chris Bellusci

Chris Bellusci recognizes Aspect as an emerging leader in the data science and mapping world. “Joining Aspect was a clear choice for us. They’ve always partnered their earth engineering and science experts with creative technologists focused on client satisfaction. The three of us (Bellusci, Deaver, and Mills) see a lot of potential to help Aspect’s growing client base,” Bellusci said. “The cloud and web tools we leverage can shrink project times and costs—for example turning a typically three-week monitoring report process into three days. Mountains of data that were tracked by hand previously can now be managed in the cloud and presented to decision makers in minutes instead of weeks.”

Chris has been working in the world of IT/software development, support, and product management for more than 20 years, with an educational background in Electrical Engineering. For the past 12 of those years, Chris has been helping clients plan for and build technology-driven solutions related to earth science problems. He is a seasoned project and client manager with a penchant for new business development. 

Blair Deaver

Blair Deaver’s educational background is in Environmental Studies and GIS. His geospatial expertise is both broad (everything from open source GIS, scripting, mobile development, dev ops, data management, enterprise IT) and deep—he is a recognized Esri GIS expert and is Amazon Web Services certified. Blair is known for an incredibly nimble style of problem-solving, a trait that meshes well with Aspect’s overall approach to client services. 

Mike Mills

Mike Mills’s core expertise/background is in web and database development—he’s done everything from statistical analysis (writing custom kriging algorithms for in-browser spatial analyses) to mobile application development.  He’s a full-stack developer with a decade of experience delivering solutions for earth science and engineering projects. Mike’s educational background is in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Chris, Blair, and Mike all joined Aspect from GeoEngineers, where they had previously worked as a team for the better part of 10 years. Together—with Associate Water Resources Engineer, John Warinner—Chris and Blair make up Aspect’s new Bend, Oregon office. With Mike joining Aspect’s growing Portland office as well, Aspect is continuing its earnest expansion into the Oregon earth + water market. The experts who are part of Aspect emerging Oregon presence service all the firm’s core practice areas—and are collectively a reflection of Aspect’s multidisciplinary approach.