9-10 am: Crowds gathering
We are hunkered down here . . .hope we have enough provisions to see us through the day . . . ‘cuz if we go out, it’ll be hard to get back . . . cell service spotty at best . . .
11-12 am: Waiting for the parade
It's not a seahawk or any bird perched right outside the window . . .
12-1 pm: Still waiting . . .
View from the roof . . .
1-2 pm: More waiting . . .
still no sign of live Seahawks – or a parade . . . crowd thickens . . . inside watchers get restless waiting . . .
1-2 pm: Everyone loves a parade . . .
2-3 pm: After the parade has passed . . .View to 2nd and Jackson
Aspect Consulting provides earth + water engineering and science services from seven offices throughout the Pacific Northwest. We help our clients maximize the beneficial use of their valuable resources.
Aspect Consulting, LLC | , Bainbridge Island, WA, United States